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10 Single Use Plastics Destroying the Planet and Eco-Friendly Alternatives

August 24, 2021 8 min read

Top 10 Single Use Plastics Destroying the Planet and Eco-Friendly Alternatives
It’s no secret that plastic is bad for the environment. Many single-use plastic products take between 20-500 years to fully break down. Plastic is made from oil, a nonrenewable resource and fossil fuel. Switching from oil-based plastic to eco-friendly plastic alternatives would move our whole planet in a much more balanced direction and it’s simpler than we think to stop plastic from destroying the planet
5 Things You Can Do Right Now To Stop Plastic From Destroying The Planet

September 12, 2020 11 min read

5 Things You Can Do Right Now To Stop Plastic From Destroying The Planet
Plastic is durable, versatile, and cheap. It’s no wonder nearly everything you buy, use, and throw away is plastic. Plastic is everywhere, and it won’t be going anywhere any time soon. 5 ways you can make planet-friendly changes right now.

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